Why the Vacuum head water removal attachment is “the missing link”.
The importance of degreasing mesh is such a part of what we know and understand and even promote in the process of cleaning screens that one important part is forgotten. The water used for cleaning often carries contaminates.
Here is a photo of a screen photo-stencil with clear signs of water-borne contaminates causing streaks in the dried stencil. Clearly quality and usability can be effected yet our solution is easy and fast.
Fast, that is the keyword, a quick removal of most of the water after degreasing with a clean vacuum attachment. Even passes to cover the entire surface of the mesh has the vacuum remove 75 to 90% of the water. With the water quickly removed most of any water-born contaminates are removed with the removal of the water. This drawing of how contaminates floating in the water not removed will simply dry leaving the contaminates. This illustration shows just how useful the vacuum attachment can be.
Use of the vacuum attachment by the very act of removing most of the water of course decreased the time it takes to dry the screen in your drying cabinet (more on the drying cabinet and eliminating the dark room in a later tip).
Most of inadvertent contamination happens when a screen is wet and is exposed to particles in the process, quickly removing the water removes the receptive wet surface that is in effect “sticky” to contaminates.
Adding the use of the vacuum attachment has become one of the key elements of a new modern efficient and tested methods of processing screens in our industry.